
Year of True Light Explained

[Note] I am not the author of the following text below the horizontal line but have included it here as a partial mirror for references purposes. I plan to mirror the entire Testament of Truth web-site, eventually, but the sections will be separated out into smaller chunks for easier book-marking, site-searching and referencing. Time/Resource-permitting, I will be translating ALL of the writings of Terence into technological vocabulary, then into other languages as time/resources permit(s).

For those who wonder what the 020TL stands for, that simply means that it's been 20 years since the Books of Terence became publicly available, 020TL being equivalent to 2016CE, because years should be based on objective reality. A number of atheists/materialists still question whether Jesus ever even existed or not, and if they believe that the information about such a man is based entirely on fairy tale, then merely switching from using BC/AD to BCE/CE should be regarded as insufficient.


Testament of Truth

The Sacred teachings of the Light through Terence


This the most sacred word of God is bequeathed to you and your children by the true light that shineth eternally begins on page three (3) below. The original message was given in 'verse' and completed during the year 1990 AD, being the content of pages three below to page eighty-six. The verse section is in PDF format on the index of this Testament document.

Subsequent to that, a 'second revelation' was received during the year 1994 AD. This second revelation begins on page two hundred and forty seven. (247) The testament of truth being a part of book one (1) on the web site was elevated onto the www in 1997, after which I have been adding more articles. Since 1997 was the first 'year' of making the fresh word of God available to the global public I have named that year 1997 as being 'Year one (1) True Light.'

I have been receiving information and writing the entire content of this web site for many years and only finished receiving information on 29th February 2016 AD.

This being “The Testament of Truth” is brought to you through the soul of the fisher of men whilst temporarily inhabiting the fleshly body of a simple man of earth whose sole authority is that of being God’s messenger of truth and light.

The message is the ray of hope that shines down from heaven to pierce the heart and mind of any who seek eternal salvation.

Now is the time of the separation of souls for an eternity, as the spectrum of Light calls its own home, being those who heed the call to love, peace, mercy, compassion and forgiveness, and the Darkness draws to itself those who deny love and continue to deceive, control, abuse, punish and destroy.

This The Testament of Truth is the 'Correction of the Salvation truth,' in that simple man over ages of time has manipulated the 'Old' and 'New Testament' scriptures unto his own spiritual destruction. 

Your Creator would have it that you, as an individual, have this last chance to see the reality of truth and love and peace, so that you have the opportunity to change your ways before your final Judgment.

It is by the Grace of God, that I the messenger have been able to overcome the sin of this world taken upon myself at birth and thus be able to act as God’s pen, and write God’s holy living word, the written word, the untrammelled, unfettered truth, direct from God to you.

It is my wish that you seek not the messenger, but seek only the meaning of the word of God contained herein, for it is in the understanding of God’s Law that sets you free, for only with its full understanding are you able to comply to God's Command of: "Go your way in peace."

Knowing that whatever may occur to your flesh is irrelevant, your spiritual salvation as promised by God and I, is assured in “non-retaliation” when verbally, emotionally or physically abused.

From out of the turmoil, pain and ashes soon to engulf the world, will arise the true church of God, being the unity of faith, true love that shines out from the hearts of all mankind.

Blessed are those who see the truth, know the truth, abide in the truth, they are mine, and they shall follow me home to eternal paradise.

Peace shall reign on earth.

Note - Words with an asterisk * are fully interpreted in the Glossary of word meanings section pages 265 - 275.  There is a hyperlink to this glossary at the top of every 25 page section except this one where it is at the bottom. 

To aid your reading comprehension and facilitate accessing the glossary it is suggested that prior to reading this document you print off the glossary pages so that they can be looked at more easily as you read the main script.

This 278 pages Testament was written prior to 1997 - 001 TL (True Light).

Source of Original Explanation Here
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